October 2022 ~ May 2023
Project Status: on going
Project Type: Game Studio Project
Project Duration: 8 months
Software Used: Unity and Aseprite
Languages Used: C#
Primary Role(s): club leader / project manager / art / coding
Caden Kohel and Youngje Park discusses boss pattern programming.
Artwork by Dylan Tanaka.
CyberKnome is the first game project by the Game Studio Club, a student led club at Mid-Pacific Institute. The club is the first ever club at Mid-Pacific that focuses on programming and game design. Voted and brainstormed by the club members, CyberKnome combines diverse ideas. As a founder/president of the club, I am learning how to communicate and share my passion for game design. It has given me a chance to meet aspiring game designers and learn from them as well.
student brainstorms